The impact of AI on Data Centres: An Architectural Perspective

Chetwoods Regional Director Louis Fantis, who leads our data centre design team, explores the impact of AI on the design, development, and management of data centres from an architectural perspective in an article for New London Architecture.
Read the full article here.
As data consumption rises, the demand for data centres grows. Yet, the sector also faces many challenges, from energy demand, suitability solutions and security, to finding viable urban sites with enough connectivity. With these problems, the industry lead time for delivering a data centre is only increasing, and clever and innovative design solutions are more important than ever to reduce the time it takes to achieve planning consent and deliver schemes.
The emergence of AI is aiding architectural designers in the development of data centres that are smarter, more adaptable buildings that contribute positively to their communities. AI complements human creativity by refining initial concepts and enabling data-driven solutions. It helps identify opportunities like redirecting waste heat and optimising renewable energy use.
While experienced data centre architects and sustainability specialists are still required to analyse and interpret AI’s findings and ensure clever decision making, the introduction of this technology in recent years has aided in streamlining processes.
At Chetwoods, we are currently working on over three million sqft of data centre space in key urban locations.
Image created by: Davide La Guidara
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